Today is the start of week 2 of the back to school routine. It's going pretty well! Nobody has been late, nobody has feigned illness to get out of it, although I've been tempted on one or two occasions. If anything, they all seem a little too happy to be back! The other day I had to coax Bella out of the playschool toilets, where she had hidden herself because she didn't want to come home. I told her that her Uncle Steve would be sad, because he'd come all the way from Australia to see her....her reply? "Australia doesn't exist, I've never even been there!" Well, obviously. But she begrudgingly came out after promises of ice cream. Nice to know she enjoys play school but I'd like to think she enjoyed mummy time just a little bit! Luca has had a few issues thanks to the council changing his transport twice in the 6 days he's been back! Of course saving money is far more important than the happiness of a 7 year old boy. One day i'll go all chav on them and will ring up screaming and swearing. Not this day though, i'm too tired.
As my title suggests, I've been dabbling with a bit of baking now I have the time. I've made a pie (yes this counts as baking, it's pastry!) and whoopie pies, which are not pastry, or even pies really, but delicious nonetheless. We've (ok Lee's) done a massive kitchen clear out, and sorted all my baking equipment and I seem to have amassed quite a collection! Baking tins, piping bags, icing nozzles, stencils, cutters, cases, it all looks ever so posh and professional. I just need to start using it! I know what you're thinking, I am neither posh nor professional, but hey, a girl can dream. Once I have my new kitchen, with a shiny new oven and plenty of work surface it might be easier! I also want a resin floor, because icing sugar and buttercream are just a pig to get out of grouting, so I suppose I need to start saving up!
The other thing I really need in order to really get my bake on, is less dramatic children!! Yesterday, as I was merrily cooking dinner (tacos with salad and wedges) Lee came running in with Roman, who was doing that silent scream babies do, because Bella had swung a toy around and managed to whack him on the head. I took him and watched in horror as he continued to do the silent scream without taking a breath until he went blue and passed out. I'm first aid trained, but that all went out the window as I was screaming for an ambulance. Once he'd passed out he started breathing again and came to really quickly, but a paramedic came and checked him over anyway and gave him a clean bill of health. Apparently it's known as a breath holding attack and is quite common in babies and small children. Not in this house it won't be, if he does it again I may just have to smack his bottom!! (social services pls note THIS IS A JOKE!!) Scary scary moment, dinner was very nearly ruined. Such an inconsiderate child.
Ooh, I have also bitten the bullet and made a start on writing that book! I bought a big notebook and a posh pen (ballpoint, black) and sat down the other day to write down some of my ideas. Basically, I keep having this recurring dream, and my book is going to be based on that. It's set in the not too distant future, and life is very different.. A lovely friend of mine, who is also writing a book, has said she will look over anything I manage to write and give me feedback, so at least if it's really bad she will let me know before I embarrass myself! Thank you Freja :) And all the rest of you lovely ladies who have been supporting and encouraging me too of course!
On a final note, shelves. If you have a large family and not such a large house, put up shelves. Wall shelves, book shelves, shelving units, honest to God, my life has changed forever! If it's on the floor, or cluttering up a table, shelve it. Be artistic if you wish, or just bung it on to stop you tripping and killing yourself. Shelves. The way of the future!!
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