Aaahhh Monday. A day of relief, 2 of the 4 are at school for the day, yet also a day of stress and panic, because i've got to get them there and back!! Let me walk you through it.
Luca; goes to a special needs school 20 minutes away. He has transport, they pick him up at 8.40am.
Jack; goes to the local primary school 5-10 minute drive away. He needs to be there at 8.40am, 9.50 at the very latest.
Can you see where the problem lies? Now, in theory, I have Luca at the front door with shoes and coat on, bags at the ready. Jack and Bella are at the back door, shoes and coats on, bags at the ready. Roman is sleeping in his rocker wth his coat on, ready to be grabbed as we walk out the door, the second Luca is handed to his transport chaperone.
Now for the reality: It's 8.35, i'm chasing Luca around upstairs, retrieving his freshly removed clothes from the bath, under the bed, and wherever else he sees fit to chuck them. Isabella is on the floor in a frenzied rage because i've told her that a skull and crossbones t-shirt, tutu and wellies is not really suitable attire for public. Jack is mooning about in his room, ignoring my pleas to brush his teeth, and Roman is screaming in his rocker (a loose translation would be "HELP, HEEEELP, the mammy lady has PUT ME DOWN, and now i'm gonna be carried off by predators, PREDATORS, and i hadn't finished with that BOOOOOBYYYYY!!!!!") Then the poor chaperone has a wrinkled untidy child (the clothes have been in the bath, under the bed, etc etc, remember??) thrown at her, the screaming baby is scooped from the rocker, the screaming toddler is scooped from the floor, the mooning pre-teen is dragged from his bedroom, and we make a dash for the car, strap in, and then i spend a few minutes morphing in to a fishwife, yelling at every old lady who dares put her car in front of mine, and every parent at the drop off turning circle, who feel the need to GET OUT OF THE CAR!!! to see their child in....It's called a DROP OFF circle for a reason, dopey, if you wanna get out and see your child in, leave earlier, park up and WALK!!! Jack is then ejected from the car with a swift "go, go, go, love ya, bye!!"
2 mornings a week, Bella then needs to be dropped at pre-school. Usually in a skull t-shirt, tutu and wellies.
Then its just a day of trying to repair the carnage from the morning (milk and cereal dripping from every surface of the kitchen, pyjamas scattered to the 4 winds, a wii game tower in the middle of the front room thanks to Luca, you get the drift) and spending time with Bella if she's there, and Roman. All is then kinda calm, til pick up time. Jack comes out at 3.10 pm. Luca finishes at 3pm, and his taxi arrives home between 3.15 and 3.20. Commence mad dash to be there for them both! Jack's school are worse than useless, knowing how much i struggle they said he could come out at 3.05, and that i could pull in to the car park to collect him so that i dont have to haul ass from whichever street i can find a parking space, drag 2 kids up the hill, get jack and get back to the car. They never do it, and i'm questioned like a terrorist every day about WHY they need to open the security gate to let me in, rather than me just park on the street. Some days it leaves me in tears. All this is done with a grumpy Bella who is about ready for a nap, and a screaming Roman, who regards his carseat with the same noisy indignation as he does the rocker. And the Dr's wonder why my blood pressure is high! Today was particularly bad, and resulted in miserable school receptionist being re-named "nob muncher" on facebook. I so hope she sees.
But anyway, enough of the Monday bashing, I actually did a little baking myself happy prep today! I read the list of what i need. May not seem like much, but it's a step, and sometimes baby steps are about all you can muster. Thats fine. The only unacceptable step, is a step backwards. even stepping on the spot is ok sometimes. You can only do what you can do at the end of the day.
So I realise that i need a few things. Some are more "wants" actually. Like I now "need" a kitchen aid. (mate? aid? something like that.) It looks AMAZING in the picture. I dont really know what it does, but obviously something really magical and important. It's going on my wedding anniversary present list. I also need a purple spatula. I have a mint green one, but the author specifies purple. she says she supposes another colour would do, but i'm not willing to take that risk. So purple it shall be. I also need basic ingredients, cookie cutters, a piping bag, y'know, general baking stuff. Tomorrow, in between taking Bella to playschool, and taking Maude and Cynthia (guinea pigs) to get their claws clipped, I will be going out to get as much of the much needed stuff as i can. I'll let you know how I get on.
PS, quote of the day...."Luca, we have to wear clothes on the trampoline..." I'm beyond the point of worrying about what my neighbours think...
great post again hun x x