Friday, 23 March 2012

rock cakes, ebay and dreams come true...

Well it's been a hectic few days here! I think I may be mere moments away from some kind of mental breakdown, due to lack of sleep and crying baby. Has anyone ever died of tiredness? I think i'm at that point. And Roman has so much stamina when it comes to crying that i dont think it will be getting better any time soon. Now, just a little advice for partners of mummies who are breastfeeding. Make the woman drinks!!! I cannot stress enough, breastfeeding makes you thirsty. I mean like you've swallowed a tonne of sand kind of thirst. Sometimes i get so thirsty that my mouth feels glued together and my eyes feel gritty. And usually i have a small person attached to me, so even simple tasks like making drinks are difficult. If when you're about you ensure she always has a drink to hand, this will make her life easier, which in turn will make your life easier. And for the love of God make sure you take one up to bed for her, I guarantee you if you don't she will not be happy! Such a simple yet effective way of showing her that you do appreciate her for doing something so important for your offsprings health and intelligence.
Now, I believe we have discussed my need for baking accessories. Well I did a bad bad thing, and ebay'd "home baking" Oh. My. God. I spent a rather happy hour looking at cake tins, pie tins, loaf tins, icing, cookie cutters, moulds, edible decorations, stencils, you name it, you can find something to bake it with. I did refrain from ordering a job lot of assorted tins from Hong Kong. I wasnt sure if they would be free from poisonous materials, and heaven forbid if I was to inadvertantly murder someone with my cheap foreign bought equipment. I did manage to find some lovely little cookie cutters that I am quite excited about, and limited myself to just those for now, and I will order things as I need them so as not to bankrupt myself.
I've made the decision to work through the book in order, I feel that the author obviously wrote the book in that order for a reason, so there will be some kind of methodical therapy involved in following the book properly. Recipe 1; Rock cakes. I can't say that it would be my ordinary cake of choice, but then maybe that's where I'm going wrong, I always try to make something elaborate and fancy (I would tell you the story about my marble cake but I fear reliving the anguish is best left for the therapists couch) and it always goes spectacularly wrong. So rock cakes right now seem refreshingly simple.
I could actually liken myself to a rock cake. People regard it as solid and rock hard, and think that it would take an awful lot to damage it, however up close it's got lots of cracks, and crumbles under not an awful lot of pressure. This is me to a tee. It would seem most people are of the opinion that I am hard faced and that couldn't be further than the truth. I get hurt very easily and constantly worry that people don't like me. Often I convince myself that people only speak to me because they feel they have to, rather than that they actually want to. One day I hope i'll be able to compare myself to something light and airy and cheerful. Maybe a fondant fancy. Until then, I shall embrace the rock.
Baking will commence this evening once the big 3 have gone to bed and wee one is in his sling (a Godsend) and Husband has been settled with chocolate and stuff. I'm quite excited!
P.s...Regarding dreams come true. We bought Bella a cheap blue plastic seat to go on the toilet (nothing more traumatising for a 2 year old than falling through the toilet seat) and when we showed her it, her response was... "Oh I love it, it's wonderful, it's a dream come true!" Just wow. I wish everyone in the world was so easily pleased.

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