Sunday 6 September 2015


So I happen to know that comments are made and eyebrows are raised when the issue of how many children I have comes up. Mainly because number 2 of the four has autism, and I do not deny that he alone is very hard work. Hard enough that sometimes, I struggle to cope. So I understand when people question our decision (rarely to my face but that's another story) to keep going when we knew that life would be difficult. Sometimes, when they're pretty much killing each other and wrecking the house, i question myself! But let me explain.
Firstly, we were originally told that there was nothing wrong with Luca. He just needed 6 months of speech therapy and would be fine. Almost a year later, we went back to that same clinic (having had none of the speech therapy he apparently needed in order to be "fine") with our newborn daughter in my arms, to be told that actually, he would never be fine. Roman, as my close family and friends know, was a BIG surprise. But by the time he came along, I had realised something. Having siblings was helping Luca. His older brother kept him in check. If he was having an extreme meltdown, Jack could often coax him out of it. As Bella learned words and phrases, Luca began using them also. He learned how to be gentle(ish) while cuddling his baby sister, too rough and she'd squawk, and nobody likes that noise! And Luca was teaching them things, too. How to be patient, tolerant, understanding. How to concentrate on a task when all hell is breaking out right next to you (believe me my children are unflappable in loud situations, an excellent skill for their cv when the time comes)
So yes, my life is hard and sometimes I cry, sometimes I wonder what on earth possessed me to bring all these children in to the world. But mainly I'm in awe of how they all enrich each others lives, and how they've developed and grown.
Little moments make it all worthwhile. Like a few days ago when I suddenly realised it was far too quiet, an ominous sign. I went upstairs and had the pleasure of witnessing Roman and Luca playing together, Roman showing Luca how to actually play with the cars rather than just lining them up. And both of them were just enjoying the moment, engrossed in putting out the fire by the chest of drawers, totally not noticing their mother having a little blub on the landing.
Who wouldn't want that for their children, no matter how hard it is all the rest of the time.

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